Basics of Aikido

Aikido is a form of martial art. When used correctly, Aikido is very powerful. Distance, motion, speed, and projection of an attacker are the focuses of Aikido. In Aikido, the spiraling and circular movements reflect what the martial art is: a fluid and flowing movement of spirit and energy.

The players must learn to control themselves, which is one of the basics among the philosophical teachings of Aikido. It is necessary to keep an inner balance to harmonize with others which enables to control an opponent's attack. Self-control is the key to achieve and maintain harmony.

Techniques should function to execute. An aikido technique should be possible to perform, and to do it in a way that avoids as well as controls the attacker.

Another basic principle in Aikido is oneness which means that the players must learn to become one with any situation. If the players can become one with every situation, they can achieve harmonization and it will become possible for them to execute Aikido techniques, movements and forms accurately and efficiently.

In Aikido, one must learn to move away properly from the range of effectiveness of the opponent's attack to defend an attack. But as the same time, the player must also maintain their own range of effectiveness to counterattack effectively. The player won't be able to give an effective counterattack if they step too far away from the opponent. But if the player step too close. They definitely lessen the effectiveness of the techniques. So it is important for an Aikido practitioner to determine how to avoid the opponent's range while controlling their own in various situations. In addition, forces should be united. In aikido techniques the forces of the attacker and the defender should be joined, and not work against each other.

The belief that every thing in the universe is governed by a force or spirit involves in the principle of Ki which is the energy and life force. It binds the mind and the body and harmonizes the player to the surroundings. By learning to control Ki, the player will be able to unify the mind and the body which can maximize efficient movements and execution of Aikido techniques.

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